Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The other night at Figaro

My son, Mike never really liked Figaro until the other night, picture below (uh, though not of him).  He's young, he's into the "hip" scene or whatever.  But he was talking to some of the incredibly nice waiters (Ben & Jeremy) and he was like, "You know what?  I like this place!  I usta not like this place, but now its one of my favorite places.  The food is great and the people who work here are so cool and nice."  I'm like, "yeah I know dude that's why I love hanging out here"

Kids....one of the greatest things about getting old is that young people get cuter everyday!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Figaro plays awesome french music

...and other beautiful international music.  Very romantic!  This would be a beautiful song for them to play. "Everything Is Never Quite Enough" by Wasis Diop from his dvd "Taxo" and on the soundtrack of "The Thomas Crown Affair"

Madonna Commercial filmed at Figaro (behind the scenes...zzzzz)

Madonna - Louis Vuitton LV -Making of Spring-Summer 2009 Campaign filmed at Figaro Bistro

It's actually kinda boring but you do get to see Louis Vuitton kiss Madonna's ass. Not a lot just a little and hello it is Madonna.  Oh yeah, back to the boring part, its boring but you get to see Figaro Bistro in the first few parts so that makes it EXCITING!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Figaro Bistro

Casual BUT romantic!  The main dinning room has candelabras on every table.  That's right!  Candelabras!  And mirrors!  Can you think of anything more beautiful than candles reflected in mirrors!!!  On Valentines Day they had rose petals all over the tables and bar and Lavender Asparagus Soup was on the menu. 

The Bistro area is equally charming and they have a specialty drink and appetizer from 5-7pm every single day!  Wow!